Shadow Mountain Church Delivers Their Large Choir Remotely – In Real Time!
In over forty years as an audio professional, I’ve never seen anything quite like the sea change in technical creativity and resourcefulness that’s emerged from the social distancing measures imposed on most of us in early 2020.
This story chronicles one such leap made while many businesses, schools, and houses of worship have been closed or seriously hampered by the inability to assemble. Fortunately, some churches can offer live streaming of their worship services. Shadow Mountain Community Church (SMCC) in El Cajon, CA is a good example.
SMCC easily classifies as a mega church, with an average weekly attendance of roughly 7,500. Most weeks, they offer a blended worship experience that includes a 120 voice choir, a 30 piece orchestra, an 8-man rhythm section, and 6-8 front line singers. See Photo 1.
For SMCC, the challenge became how to retain and present as much of their regular worship experience as possible, while complying with the necessary social distancing guidelines?
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